Tag Archives: series

New Book!

So… I did a thing.

Some of you may remember about a decade ago when I self-published my first book that I wrote with Mark Ruelius. We’d been working on it for over a decade when Mark tragically passed unexpectedly due to complications with diabetes. I was devastated. Mark was like a little brother to me, and to have him taken from us so suddenly left me reeling. The only thing I could think to do to honor this person that meant so much to me was to ensure that the work he did, the only work he’d tragically be able to do, would be seen by people; because Mark was a freaking brilliant storyteller. I have zero doubt that he would have went on to become a big name in the industry. So, I finished editing the best I could, and I pushed the book out. I wrote a few more little popcorn novels, and then I got married to the love of my life and became a step-dad to a then-toddler with special needs. My focus went from writing 8+ hours a day, to being a stay-at-home dad, and I have zero regrets.

Now, just over a decade later, our son is about to enter high school. We’ve finally gotten his medical issues sorted out, and he’s doing an amazing job at school. In the last ten years, I never stopped coming up with stories. I never stopped taking notes. My dream to be a writer never went away. It was just taking a break.

Break time is over.

The first thing I wanted to do was revisit that first book, that meant so so much to both myself and Mark, and I wanted to make it into the novel we wanted it to be, but just never quite got there. So, I re-read the entire thing, made notes, and then systematically began to rewrite and edit. The core of the story is the same. The sections that were Mark’s babies remain largely untouched, because Mark was just that good and they rarely needed anything. The rest has been completely revamped. Entire sections have been rewritten/added. I feel like the story is finally in a place where Mark and I always wanted it to be.

So, this new book is now available for purchase, and it’s the first of many more to come. I hope that you’ll check it out, spread the word, and enjoy experiencing this world of magick, flaming swords, and good verses evil that I created with my friend.

Go buy it!

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