Tag Archives: superheroes

5. Never Tell Me The Odds

Jace’s gun was in his hand in a blink. To her credit, so was Kayla’s. Mark held up a hand, hoping to ward off impending stupidity. “Woah! Hold on, guys!”

At the same time, Bertrude bellowed, “Cut that shit out! Both of you!”

Jace bared his teeth. “Are you crazy? Do you know what kind of bounty she has?”

Kayla smirked, “Just try and claim it, fuckhead.”

Bertrude slowly sat back down behind her desk and said, in a very clear and calm tone, “If you two don’t put your iron away right now, I will call my men in here and have them vent you both into space for the sheer aggravation you’re causing me. Believe it.”

Her tone let them both know, unequivocally, that she was not bluffing. Slowly, they both complied. Bertude gave it a beat, and then nodded. “Now, here’s how it is. I don’t care how big a bounty she has on her head for being stupid.”


She leveled a finger at Kayla. “I owe her.” 

Her finger smoothly swung to Jace’s chest. ” And you,” her thumb thumped against her chest, “owe me, and I’m calling in your marker. ” She looked Jace directly in the eye and added, “This isn’t a suggestion, kid.” She shrugged as she leaned back in her chair. “You don’t want to comply, I’ll space you and move on to the next mope that owes me. You two jackasses just happened to be convenient.”

Mark could see Jace tense, so he placed a calming hand on his brother’s shoulder. Jace relaxed, just a bit, and asked, “What the hell did you steal to get that kind of bounty?”

Kayla spat a curse and replied, “I don’t wanna talk about it!”

Bertrude barked out a laugh. “She ‘stole’ the wrong asshole’s wife!”

Jace’s eyebrows shot up and he grinned. “Oh, really?”

Kayla rolled her eyes and swore under her breath, “Fucking A.I.D.A.!”

Mark caught it and perked up. “Wait! Did you just say A.I.D.A.?”

Kayla looked up at him and blushed, “Uh, yeah. Don’t worry about it. You wouldn’t get it.”

Mark elbowed his brother in the ribs, “She’s a C.M.!”

Kayla leaned over Betrude’s desk and shouted, “What did you say?!” at the same time as Jace.

Mark returned his attention to Kayla. “You mentioned A.I.D.A. You’re from the Colony!”

Kayla blinked. “Holy shit, are you for real? Both of you?”

Jace nodded, visibly dumbstruck. “Uh, yeah. Our accounts are linked.”

“Holy shit,” Kayla whispered again.

Bertrude looked from the brothers and back to Kayla, visibly confused. “Well, I don’t know what the fuck you guys are talking about, but if it means you’ll stop being a pain in my ass and get the fuck out of here, I’m all for it. Now, it just so happens that I’ve got a way for you to square the sexual dynamo here with the guy she pissed off, while still making some creds for yourselves.”

Jace was still shaking off the shock of finding another C.M., but he nodded absently, “Okay, I’m listening. What’s the scheme?”

“The guy Kayla here pissed off is a scumhole named Barton Maggs. He’s a local gangster. Nothing big time, but he’s got enough swing in this system to be a pain in the ass. The only person he’s currently pissed off at more than your new friend here is his former Lieutenant, Martin Zayle. Zayle pulled a big job for Maggs, but then betrayed and killed the crew before skipping with the creds. Bring in Zayle and Maggs will pay you triple what he’s asking for her,” she hooked a thumb at Kayla and then shifted her gaze in that direction, “and he’d be more than happy to trade your bounty for his head. You two get a payday, Kayla gets her life, such as it is, back, and I pay off a favor; while still receiving my ten percent finder’s fee, of course.”

Jace snorted, “Of course.”

“Work together and this ends happy for everyone.”

Jace looked like he was about to argue, but Mark elbowed him in the ribs again. “She’s one of us. We have to help her!”

Jace crossed his arms, still obviously annoyed at being bossed around. “Problem is without her bounty, we don’t have enough creds to fuel our ship.”

Bertrude rolled her eyes and muttered under her breath, “Broke assed hunters.” 

“Get her to your ship. I’ll flip you the creds to fuel.” She gestured with a finger, and for a split second her right eye flashed blue. Both brothers just about lost their shit when the same thing happened to them half a second later, as text was projected over their vision in blue “+500 credits transferred”. Bertrude looked disgusted at their reaction. “What the hell is wrong with you two? You haven’t started dusting have you?”

Jace ran a hand through his hair and sighed. “No, it’s just been a long ass day. Okay, we’ll get her out of here. How do we find Zayle?” 

Gertrude made another gesture, and again the display flashed in the upper left corner of his vision. 

File received.

She grunted. “That’s everything I’ve got on the both of them. Should give three experienced mercs like yourselves plenty of places to start.”

Jace looked over at Kayla, frowned, and gestured with a finger at her purple spiked mohawk. “I don’t suppose you’ve got a cloak or something to cover that up, do you? It’s like a walking shoot me sign.”

Kayla flipped him the bird in reply, but reached behind her head and pulled up a hood to cover her hair. 

Bertrude nodded. “Good. Now-“

A beep from her desk cut her off. She stabbed a finger at a button and bellowed, “What?”

“We’ve got a small crowd of mercs gathering out here. It looks like more are coming. I think someone dropped the dime on your girl.”

“Dammit! Okay, keep them tied up as long as you can.” She keyed off the comm and then cursed again. “I was hoping we could get you on your ship before anyone got wise.” 

She spent a few seconds typing furiously on a screen that Jace couldn’t see, and then she grunted. “I’ve got your ship fueling now, and my boys are preflighting your ship. You should be ready to jet as soon as you’re on board.”

Jace hooked a thumb on his gunbelt. “Great. Now, how do we get her there without getting swarmed?”

Bertrude snorted and flipped another switch under her desk. A portion of the wall behind her clicked and then slid up, revealing a dimly lit corridor beyond. “Always have a back door, kid. This’ll take you straight to the hangers. They’ll have spotters looking for the girl, but they probably won’t twig to you two bozos yet. If you’re quick, and don’t do anything stupid, you might even make it.”

Kayla pulled her cloak a little tighter around herself. “Thanks, Bertrude.”

“Thank me after you’ve gotten off the station alive and nabbed that bounty. Now fuck off outta here.”

They fucked off outta there.

The corridor was pitch black, but after a few steps a dim light lit the hall just in front of them. As they continued to move forward the dim lights would appear before them and then go out behind them. Anyone who tried to follow would be virtually blind. Smart. Jace’s respect for Bertrude went up a few notches. It didn’t take long to get to the end of the corridor. There was a panel with an obvious red button. 

Jace glanced back at the others and whispered, just to be safe, “Okay, I’ll open up and take a peak around. Make sure the way to the ship is clear.”

The others nodded, but stayed quiet. Jace drew his gun and punched the button. The wall panel swished silently up, just as the one in Bertrude’s office had. Jace cautiously eased his head out and looked both ways. The door opened behind a stack of crates. Again, smart. Jace eased his way out and crept along the crate until he could peak around it. Jace assumed the ship just in front of his crate was Bertrude’s. It was a stubby purple shuttle barely big enough for two people. Jace figured it was built for speed, not comfort. Just beyond the ship he could see the wider hanger. The Lonestar was on the far side from where they were, because of-fucking-course it was. Unfortunately, the entire hanger was already crawling with mercs who were clearly on the lookout. 

“For fuck’s sake! Nothing can ever be simple!”

Jace crept his way back to the others. “Okay, good news is our ship is about fifty yards thattaway.” He hooked a thumb behind him. “The bad news is Punk Chick’s fan club is already waiting for her autograph. There’s at least seven that I could see.”

Kayla spat a curse. Mark scratched at the back of his head. “Were they guarding our ship, or just generally milling around?”

“Milling around. I think they’re just doing like Bertrude said and making sure she can’t hop a ship and leave. They probably wouldn’t hassle us if we headed to our ship, but that won’t do her any good.”

Mark grinned. “Sure it will.”

They waited to make sure not too many were looking their way, and then Jace and Mark stepped out from behind the crates and walked around the shuttle to head for their ship. One of the mercs noticed and elbowed his partner. “The hell they come from?”

His partner, a portly older guy in leathers, spun around, revealing a massive fire-red beard that completely covered the man’s mouth. The thicket bobbled up and down, and a muffled baritone could be heard exclaiming in their direction. “The fuck’re you two assholes doin back there?!”

Mark made a show of wiping at his hands with a dirty rag he found while Jace let his frustration with the entire situation come through in his performance. “The fuck you think we were doing, shit-for-brains? We were servicing ‘her majesty’s’ fucking puddle skipper as penance for being late on a damn payment. Now, we’re getting on our ship and fucking off outta here. I’ve had enough of this place for one trip.”

Beardy’s partner nudged him again. “Ain’t thems the Reynolds boys? Oy, why aren’t you lot looking for the purple haired girly? Didn’t you get the ping?”

Jace snorted. “Yeah, we got it. Us and every other merc on this hollowed out rock. You guys wanna fight each other over the bounty, go ahead. My brother and I got business elsewhere we gotta jet to.”

He threw the two a mock salute and walked past, Mark in tow.

Once they were out of earshot mark muttered, “Nice job.”

“Thanks; I almost pissed myself. Head on up and holler when you’re set.”

“Aye, Cap’n.”

Mark hurried up the boarding ramp while Jace tried to look casual by leaning against the landing strut. 

Mark plopped in the pilot’s chair and hurriedly glanced over his status screens. Bertrude’s guys had fueled them up and gotten the ship ready to go, as promised. He let out a momentary sigh of relief. “Great, now where’s the guns? I just freaking saw it right before we… Ha!”

He punched a button and the swivel cannon dropped down from beneath the cockpit. He took another steadying breath and then keyed the comm line they’d established with Kayla. “Alright, I’m in position.”

Jace’s voice came back slightly distorted in his ear. “Okay, Kayla. Let’s do this. I got the three on the left.”

“Got it.”

Mark watched through the cockpit and Kayla, cloak pulled tight down over her face, came out from around the shuttle and started heading for the Lonestar at a pace that wouldn’t draw attention. Once again, it took a few moments, but Beardy and his partner noticed and went to interrogate her. 

“Hey, it’s another one! Now, what the hell were you doin’ back there? And don’t say servicin’ no shuttle cuz-“

Kayla didn’t even break stride. She pulled her shotgun from under her cloak and shot Beardy right in the face. His partner didn’t even clear his holster before she turned him into meat confetti, too. Jace went to work with his own sidearm, while Mark used the swivel gun. The hanger was clear in under three seconds.

Jace surveyed their handiwork as Kayla reloaded her shotgun. “Huh. That actually went pretty smoothly. I don’t think anyone but us even got off a shot! Hot damn, are we good or are we good?”

Of course, that’s when a small battalion of more mercs, alerted by all the gunfire, swarmed into the hanger.

“Meep!” Jace exclaimed heroically.

“You just had to fucking jinx it, didn’t you!?” Kayla snarled as she booked it for the boarding ramp. 

Rounds ricocheted off of the hull by Jace’s head as he quickly followed Kayla into the safety of the ship. “Chewie, get us outta here!”

“Hold on to something!” The deck lurched beneath Jace’s feet and almost sent him ass over tea kettle as Mark lifted off and slewed the ship around to exit the hanger. Kayla let out a yelp and there was a crash, but Jace missed what had happened. He’d just managed to regain his balance when Mark kicked in the thrusters and sent him sprawling again. “Yeeehaw!”

Jace rubbed at a lump that was starting to form where his head had met the deck. “Ow.”

Mark’s voice echoed from the cockpit. “Engaging the skip drive!”

There was another, more gentle lurch, and Jace let out a sigh of relief. “Well, that was fun.”

Kayla grunted as she pulled herself up off of the deck. “Yeah, you two are a blast to hang with.”

“Hey! We weren’t the ones that got caught screwing a gangster’s wife!”

“I didn’t do shit! That was the fucked up backstory A.I.D.A. stuck me with, asshole! This has been the absolute worst fucking cycle start yet!”

Mark emerged from the cockpit and tried being diplomatic. “Well, the important thing is we got away and we have a job that’ll help all three of us. Plus, it’s kind of amazing that we found each other! The odds of C.M.s running into each other during a cycle are supposed to be damn near impossible!”

Jace grimaced. “Yeah, and I don’t like it.” He held up a hand to forestall comment. “No offense, Kayla. I just mean it’s kinda disconcerting. Sure, it could just be a glitch or a fluke…”

Mark rolled his eyes. “Will you relax?”

Kayla frowned. “No, what were you going to say?”

Jace plopped into a chair and shrugged. “I’m just saying, I’ve been noticing little things here and there. Little….glitches, I guess. Nothing major. Objects briefly spazzing out or disappearing for a split second and then reappearing. I noticed it a few times in the last few months just before the reset. Now, something that’s supposed to be damn near impossible just happened. I just hope it’s not a sign that something might be up with A.I.D.A.”

Mark shook his head. “You worry too much. You’re starting to sound like dad.”

Jace replied with a single finger.

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Filed under Ongoing Serials, Virtually Reality

4. The Gig

“This is so fucking cool!”

For the fifth time in as many minutes, Jace brushed back his black leather duster and drew his sidearm in one fluid motion, quick as an eye blink. He twirled the pistol a few times before expertly holstering it as part of the final spin. He grinned up at his brother and spread his hands, as though to say “ta-da!”

Mark couldn’t help but smile at his older brother’s childlike enthusiasm. Mark had been the same way at the beginning of the last Cycle, and Jace had gamely let him have his fun. He decided to return the favor. “That’s awesome, man!” 

Jace was the Captain of the ship, and had chosen “gunslinger” as his skill set. As such, he’d spent the last hour exploring the Lonestar and practicing gun tricks. Mark, on the other hand, had volunteered to be the pilot. While the core skills for the occupations they had chosen were something that A.I.D.A. uploaded, for lack of a better description, at the beginning of a Cycle, there was still a lot for Mark to learn about the ship and how things worked before he’d really be very effective at his job. The folks that programed the Cycle, and by extension A.I.D.A., weren’t much for hand holding. Jace guessed they figured that the Colony Members had all the time in the world. Why make things too easy on them?

The Lonestar was an old converted freighter that looked like a brick with wings slapped on it’s side. It wasn’t very pretty, but it was functional. From what Mark could gather, it was pretty middle of the road as far as speed went, but it’d been modified with a decent set of armaments and defenses, so they could probably hold their own in a fight if it came to it. Knowing Jace, it most assuredly would, and he’d want to have the ship customized and upgraded as soon as they could afford it. His brother may at times seem wealth-oriented, but Mark knew it wasn’t out of a sense of greed or the need to have the best of everything. Jace had spent their entire childhood fending for them to survive. As a result, his brother couldn’t help but focus on amassing resources as quickly as possible at the start of each new Cycle. Jace was like a squirrel always perpetually preparing for winter, and couldn’t even begin to relax until he was sure he and his brother had more than enough, both financially and in firepower. Jace was the guy with the plan. The big picture guy. Mark had always been his right hand and the one that kept his brother grounded. It’d worked for them. They survived when so many others that they’d known hadn’t.

Like their parents. 

Mark returned his attention to memorizing the ship’s schematics. The Lonestar had enough private quarters to house five crew members, though at the moment there was only the two of them. He and Jace would need to talk about whether they wanted to try to hire any sims as crew, or if they’d do their usual thing and just keep it the two of them. There was also a cargo hold that had been converted into a prisoner transport area. Ten individual force cages lined the walls. At the center was an airtight security station. In an emergency, one or all of the cells could be vented into the cold vacuum of space, while the crew member at the security station would be protected. Mark shivered at the thought. Brutal, but effective. He hoped he’d never need to use it. 

The panel next to him started to beep.

Jace’s head popped up from over Mark’s shoulder and he pointed at the flashing indicator light. “What’s that flashing?”

Mark scratched at his head. “Communications.”

Jace dramatically leveled a finger at the console and bellowed, “On screen!”

Mark snorted. “Jesus, you’re going to be insufferable, aren’t you?”

He grinned. “Reap the whirlwind, wizard nerd.”

Mark rolled his eyes and hit the indicated button. The screen on the co-pilot’s side of the cockpit sprang to life, replacing the field of stars with an image of a middle aged human male, with pasty white skin, a bright orange handlebar moustache, and thin grey-red hair haloing a massive bald spot. He was enthusiastically puffing at what looked like a fat brown cigar, the front cherrying orange-red with each inhale. Identifying information scrolled across the bottom of the screen in mustard yellow:

Name: Manny Mans

Occupation: Fixer/Bail Bondsman

Relationship Status: Working Allies- Five Years

Mark glanced up at his brother and then gestured at the screen. Jace took the hint and repositioned so that Manny could see him better. “Manny! Long time. What can we do for you?”

Manny blew out a huge billow of smoke and then flashed a Cheshire smile that was all yellowed teeth. “Boys! I’m glad I got ahold of you before you jumped system! Got a job. Big one. She’s a difficult case, and I need the best. So, I asked myself, I says, ‘Manny? When you need the best, you know who you need to call?’ And I replied, ‘Yer goddam right I do! I need to call the Reynolds Brothers!’ I says to myself, ‘When you need a tough job done right, that’s who you call!'”

Jace blinked. “Wow, you said a lot. To yourself. Thanks, I guess? Who’s the quarry?”

Manny pushed a button and his image was replaced with another. This one was a grainy shot clearly taken from some kind of security footage. It was a zoomed in head shot of a young human woman, maybe late twenties to early thirties. What was left of her hair was bright purple and styled in a pointy mohawk. She also had a few silver rings in her nose, ears, lips, and probably a few other places that Jace couldn’t see. There were also what looked like black and red tattoo’s snaking up her throat in a weave pattern, but the image was zoomed too tight for Jace to really tell what it might be. Jace wasn’t normally into the whole punk chick aesthetic, but the woman in the image was definitely making it work for her. 

“She calls herself Kayla Blaze. She’s wanted for theft in three systems. Got a bounty on her head of twenty kay. There’s a ten thou bonus if you bring her in alive.” He chuckled, and it sounded like a walrus grunt-fucking. Jace tried not to laugh at the mental image. “She musta really pissed the wrong people off to have a bounty that high just for theft. Bad for her, good for us, eh boys?! Ha! Anywhos, one of my feelers just sent word that she was spotted out just a short skip from where you are, at Port Orion. Thought maybe you could take a look before she blows in the wind. If you bag her, I get my standard twenty percent finder’s. Sending you the deets now. Just watch yer asses, ‘kay? Word is she’s a bad bitch. Already took out a few hunters on her trail. Did ’em messy. Don’t let the looks fool ya, eh? Think with the right head.” He looked knowingly at Jace and gestured with his cigar when he said that last, and Jace felt personally attacked. “Happy hunting, boys.”

The screen winked out and Mark scoffed, “Charming guy. Definitely seems to know you pretty well.”

“Har, har.”

Mark’s console beeped again and a file popped up on his monitor. “Uh, yeah, I got the location. Port Orion. Marked as a ‘Free Trade Space Station,’ whatever that means. According to this, known as a stop off for rowdy types- pirates, smugglers, scoundrel’s. Provides fuel, gambling, and ‘entertainment’.”

Jace smacked his hands together and started to rub vigorously. “Hell, yes! My kind of place!” 

Mark punched a few more buttons. “Oh, thank God this navigation system is nothing complicated! Looks like I can just click the link he sent and the autonav will automatically set the coordinates and take us there when I engage the drive.”

“Make it so, Number One! Engage!”

“Dude, you have got to stop.”

Mark keyed the skip drive and space ahead of them seemed to warp and bend. There was a bright flash and then a massive asteroid was right in front of them. Mark blinked. No, it wasn’t an asteroid. Well, it was. Or had been, anyway. Structures had clearly been built into the surface, and now ships came and went, swarming all around it like knats.

Jace gasped behind him. “Well, that was trippy. What the hell happened?”

“I used the skip drive. According to the brief you should have read, in this Cycle faster-than-light travel is achieved by using ‘skip drives’ that somehow warp and bend space around the ship, instantly moving it from one place to another, as long as that place is near a ‘skip beacon’. Don’t ask me how the hell that even works, because I understand fuck-all right now.”

“Fair enough. I guess take us in close and see if we can find a parking spot? Do we need to hail a tower and request landing or something?”

Mark glared up at his brother. “Do I look like A.I.D.A.? How the hell should I know?”

“You’ve been doing your nerd thing and reading the whole time we’ve been here!”

“Dude, it’s been a fucking hour! Unfortunately, I can’t just directly download everything straight into my brain.”

Jace held up both hands in supplication. “Okay, okay! Sorry. I’m just excited is all. Take your time to figure out what you need to figure out.”

“Thank you.”

Jace was silent for a few breaths, and then he muttered, “Just saying, sooner would be better. We don’t want to lose h-“

As nut taps go, it wasn’t the hardest that Mark had ever given his brother. Still, it got the message across and Jace shut the fuck up. Mark was skimming the parts of their brief he hadn’t gotten to yet, hoping some of this basic stuff might be outlined, when he was spared the further need by someone from Port Orion hailing them.

Lonestar, you planning on landing or just enjoying the view?”

The voice was gruff, but sounded like it was probably a female. Mark keyed the comm. It was voice only, thank God. He didn’t know if he could handle a face full of weird alien right then. “Uh, yeah Orion. There a place you want us to go, or…”

“Bloody hell, Mark! You act like you’ve never been here before! Land in Bay Four and fuck off down to see me. I may have a job for you and that jackass of a brother you fly with. Don’t keep me waiting. Bertrude, out.”

Mark blinked. “I guess Bertrude wants us to land in Bay Four and ‘fuck off’ to see her.”

“I guess so,” Jace wheezed.  

Mark grabbed the control yoke and eased the ship towards where Dock Four was indicated on his nav screen. Once again, he was amazed at how easily skills came to him that he had no practical experience using. He’d never piloted anything in his life, much less a starship; yet he almost instinctually knew what to do, as though he’d been flying his ship for decades. Easy as breathing. Not for the first time, Mark silently wished he could learn other things that way. Maybe that was the point of doing the Colony this way? At this rate, by the time the Colony is released from hypersleep, the Members would have lived so many lives that they’d be natural experts on all kinds of things. Probably intentional, he decided. He knew the reasoning was that a human brain in hypersleep long term without stimulation tends to drive the host insane. Why just kill a single bird when you could hit a couple with one stone?

Jace’s head appeared over his shoulder once again, only this time he was decidedly less rambunctious. “So, was there anything in the brief that you saw that mentioned this Bertrude?”

“She’s the administrator of Port Orion. She’s also something of a minor crime boss. Port Orion is known for being the Mos Eisley of this area of space.”

Jace did his best Kenobi impression. “You’ll never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy. We must be cautious.”

Mark leveled a finger at him and winked. “Ex-actly. That said, according to the brief, we’ve worked for her in the past…both officially and under the books. It didn’t give any more details than that.”

Jace grunted. “So odds are, she really does have a job for us. Whether it’ll be above board or not is up in the air.”

“Odds are.”

Jace brightened. “Great! We’ll go see what Bertrude wants and maybe score another gig. She may even be able to point us to where we might run into that Kayla chick, too. If Bertrude is the head honcho, there’s no way she isn’t aware that someone with a bounty on her head is running around.”

Mark arched an eyebrow up at him. “Why are you so gung-ho all of a sudden? We just popped into this Cycle and you’ve already got us diving in the deep end before we’ve learned to swim.”

Jace rolled his eyes. “Well, little brother, while you’ve been reading the brief, I’ve been looking into other important factors. Stuff like what our bank account looks like. How much food and fuel we have. You know, stuff that’ll directly keep us alive for the immediate future; and it ain’t looking great. A.I.D.A. has us coasting in on fumes; and unless there’s some secret credit account that was listed in the brief where we’ve got shit stored away, the Reynolds Brothers weren’t exactly killing it recently. I don’t think we’ll have enough to refuel.”

Mark sighed. “God dammit. Why do they always start us off in the shit every Cycle?”

Jace shrugged. “Maybe because we tethered our accounts? I know the eggheads really didn’t like us doing that.”

“Maybe…” He shook his head. “Or, maybe it’s just because if you have to scramble to survive right out of the gate, you don’t have time to think about things. It kinda forces you to live in the life right away.”

“You can say that again.” There was a slight jolt as Mark set the Lonestar down in the hanger. Jace gripped his brother’s shoulder. “For the first time ever landing, that was a great job, man. I know Bertrude said to not keep her waiting, but take a few more minutes to finish skimming the brief while I get our shit together. I’d rather not walk into any surprises we could have known ahead of time about.”


Ten minutes later, the two brothers met at the exit hatch. Jace handed Mark a black vest. “Put this on under your jacket.”

Mark shrugged out of his brown leather jacket, pulled the vest over his head, and used the Velcro straps to secure it into place. “Bulletproof vest?”

Jace nodded. “We have a gun cabinet in the cargo hold that apparently serves as our armory. There were a bunch of different types of guns and these vests. Figured better to have them and not need them…”


Next, Jace handed over what looked like a sci-fi version of a sawed off shotgun. “Here. You’re a shitty shot-“

“Fuck you.”

“-but with this you don’t need to be Annie Oakley. Just point, click, and you’re good. Range is probably going to be shit, so best to only use it when you’re too close to miss. Oh, and make sure to brace yourself when you fire. I’d assume it’ll kick like a mule until it proves otherwise.”

Mark worked the pump and loaded a round with a satisfying cha-chick. “Got it. Hopefully we won’t need to worry about it.”

Jace snorted. “Yeah, because that’s how our lives usually work.”

As the hatch opened a ramp extended, allowing the brothers to exit the ship to the deck below. There were a few other ships parked in the bay, mostly personal short distance craft the size of bi-planes. The two brothers couldn’t help but take a moment to gawk at the scene beyond the magconfield that held in the atmosphere, their mouths agape. According to the information that was available in the ships databanks, Port Orion was originally a mining station, and was built within a giant asteroid belt that had been located near the Orion nebula. Those asteroids were, apparently, rich in elements that were highly sought after; so much so that the entire field was mined to practically nothing within a century. It still had an amazing view of the nebula though, so Bertrude bought it and converted it into the waypoint for ne’er-do-wells it was today. 

Mark’s voice was barely audible. “That is the most amazingly beautiful thing that I’ve ever seen.”

Jace could just dumbly nod in agreement. 

They stood like that for a few minutes, until Jace snapped out of his daze and nudged his brother. “Come on, we should get moving. After the jobs are done we’ll take the ship and just sight see for a bit.”

As they started to walk Jace gripped his brother by the shoulders and side hugged him. “Can you believe we’re in fucking space!? God, I’ve waited my whole life for this!”

Mark couldn’t help but once again grin at his brother’s enthusiasm. He hadn’t seen him this way since they were little kids, before the war. “I know man. You finally get to live out your Han Solo fantasy.”

Jace playfully ruffled his hair. “And I couldn’t do it without you, Chewie! Now, let’s go see what Jabba wants.” 

As it turned out, the Star Wars metaphor was pretty apt. The station was bustling with humans and various alien species that looked like something taken straight from George Lucas’ dome. There seemed to be beings of every shape, size, and configuration that could be imagined. A lot looked like humanoid versions of animals found on Earth. Mark saw a few lizard people; some obviously humanized beavers, which was disturbing; cat people; wolf people; bird people, and so on. There were also the more alien designs, with skin tones in weird colors and body part arrangements that were just weird or off. 

From next to him Jace whistled, “Wow, they really went buck-wild on the creativity for some of these.”

“No kidding. I wonder where… oh! There’s a sign. Administrator’s office is that way.”

Mark pointed and Jace grunted. “I’ll never get over having shit downloaded into my head. Like that sign is obviously not in English. It’s some weird script that they call ‘galactic standard’, and the fact that I inherently know that and can read it is both really cool and really unsettling.”

Mark was about to reply when he was suddenly shouldered aside by a massive alien that looked like he was a cross between a mountain and a walrus. The thing spun and barble-grunted in an an obviously angry tone. Whatever language the thing was speaking hadn’t been one that A.I.D.A. uploaded, but Jace knew a bully when he saw one. He also knew that overt aggression was pretty universal in getting a point across. His gun was out of it’s holster and tucked under the thing’s… chin, before it could finish it’s threat.

“You should be more careful, friend. Someone could get hurt. Now, I suggest you apologize to my brother and move the fuck on.” 

He emphasized that last with the click of his gun’s hammer cocking. The alien’s eyes bulged and it nodded very slowly. Message received. It mumbled something and then hurried off down the corridor. Jace waited for it to disappear into the crowd before holstering his weapon and offering his brother a hand up.

Mark grunted. “Look at you, being all diplomatic.”

“Yeah, I’m a galactic Kissinger.”


Jace rolled his eyes. “Nevermind. Let’s get moving.”

The boys managed to weave their way to Bertrude’s office without further diplomatic incidents, and was stopped by two beefy guards in matching leather outfits, cheerless dispositions, and automatic weapons. Mark nervously looked to his older brother, who shrugged and took a step forward with a smile. 

“Heya, boys! Bertrude told us to fuck off up to see her, so we’ve fucked off directly here. Mind if we go in?”

The two guards shared a glance, with expressions that read to Mark as they’d prefer to rip the brother’s heads off and then use them as toilets. Instead, the one on the left grunted and hit a button next to the door. The door wooshed open and Bertrude’s voice bellowed from beyond, “Well, fuck off in here already!”

Mark nervously sidled between the two guards, who clearly had no intention of moving at all. Jace rolled his eyes and pushed his way past in a show of bravado that made Mark proud. While it appeared that Jace had no fucks to give, in reality he was about to piss himself. He figured they wouldn’t want to piss off their boss by fucking with the guy that she clearly and urgently wanted to see. His gamble was rewarded when the guards hurled curses and growls at his back, but not bullets. 

Bertrude’s office was large and painted piss yellow. It was not a stylistic choice that Jace would have gone with, but there’s no arguing taste. That said, the impressive collection of weapons from all over the galaxy that completely covered the walls and were displayed in cases surrounding the room distracted from the poor color choice. The only other furniture in the room was a black desk that took up the entire north wall and two metal chairs in front of it. From behind the massive desk stood Bertrude, who was easily as intimidating as the office that she owned. She stood at least seven feet tall, with a wide, muscular frame to match. She also had four, three fingered arms, like Goro from Mortal Kombat, and massive tusks the grew from her lower jaw like a warthog.  

She spread her four arms wide and bellowed, “Finally! Boys! Get in here! You took your sweet ass time getting here, and we didn’t have much to begin with!”

If Jace was put off by Bertrude’s appearance, he didn’t show it. He did his best Han Solo impression and spread his hands with a smile. “Bertrude! We got here as soon as we could! What’s the big rush?”

“I got a gig that needs doing, and since you two owe me, you’re gonna be the ones that do it.”

Jace blinked, but took it in stride. “Okay, what’s the gig?”

Bertrude reached under her desk and pressed a button, and a door designed to blend into the wall slide aside and a woman stepped into the office. 

A very familiar woman.

“Boys, this is Kayla Blaze, and you’re going to smuggle her off of Orion.”

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Filed under Ongoing Serials, Virtually Reality

3. Reboot

Mark crouched down next to the corpse of the Litch to retrieve the quest item. He’d barely needed to tug at the ring and the finger all but disintegrated, followed a second later by the rest of the corpse. Mark hopped up and spun away, trying desperately not to get a mouth full of Litch dust. It looked like a plain gold ring to Jace, but that wasn’t his concern. As long as the jackass that sent them on this damn errand paid them. They’d finished the quest and they had well earned some good ‘ole rest and relaxation. Gold coins paid for that R and R. Rinse and repeat. For ten years. The cycle within the Cycle. 

They left Owly the owlbear to gleefully enjoy his meal of the corpses that had fallen, once again lifeless, to the crypt floor once the Litch’s power was cut off. The construct would dispel after an hour, so he wasn’t likely to hurt anything. The crypt was pretty out of the way, and it was unlikely even an owlbear could make it to any nearby towns before the one hour timer ran out. Jace figured that Owly had more than earned a bit of fun with the time he had… if constructs really felt anything at all. Or sims, for that matter. 

Well, technically, wasn’t he just a sim now, too? A sim fueled and controlled by his consciousness? Jace shook his head. That philosophical shit gave him migraines. It made him think and Jace didn’t like to think. It’s not that Jace was dumb. Far from it. The problem was when Jace started thinking, his mental health started nosediving. Thinking about his current situation inevitably lead to thinking about the War, the Colony, what he, and the thousands of other Colony Members, were expected to do when the Cycles end and they go back to the real world. 

The final Cycle.

Jace slapped his younger brother on the back, causing the smaller man to woof. “Okay, quest complete! We’re both exhausted and we’re all out of go-go juice. Let’s splurge and use a portcrystal back to town.”

Normally, the frugal Mark would argue, but he could tell that Jace was running on fumes, both energetically and emotionally. Jace had grown more restless and depressed in the recent months. That’d always tended to happen when they’d been in a particular Cycle for a prolonged period. There was no way to know for sure when the current Cycle would end, so it was best to try and make the most of it. “Yeah, good idea. In the state we’re in a band of halfling children could kick our asses.”

With a grin, Jace reached into the Sack-of-Holding at Mark’s shoulder. In his mind he pictured a portcrystal, and a second later he could feel the cold smoothness of the gem on the palm of his hand. The portcrystal was a shard of purple crystal about the length of a railroad spike. Jace held it out in front of him, and Mark reached out to grip the shard as well, placing his hand below his brother’s. Jace pictured the alleyway just behind the Inn back in town and sent a tendril of energy down his arm and into the portcrystal. There was a bright flash of purple light and the cold, dankness of the crypt was instantly replaced by a warm summer breeze and the sounds of birds chirping. The crystal shard in their grip dissolved into ash, which lazily wafted away on the wind.

Mark sighed. “I think we’ve only got two left. We’ll need to stock up again.”

Jace nodded and waved a hand. “Yeah, yeah, I know. We’ve got plenty of time for that. This job should give us more than enough to get what we need and enjoy ourselves for a few days. But first, I want a hot bath, a hot meal, and an even hotter piece of a-“

Everything froze.

The birds stopped chirping. 

Villagers froze in place, mid-stride, mid-bite, mid-thrust. 

Even the wind stopped blowing.

Attention Members of Colony A-1. A consensus has been reached. The current Cycle will end exactly twenty-four hours from now. Please conclude any important business and prepare for renewal. Thank you.

A.I.D.A.’s voice wasn’t really an audible thing. Both brother’s could hear her precise, clipped tones in their head. It was really creepy and Jace was glad that it rarely happened. Once the message ended, reality went back to normal. 

Jace whooped so loud that it caused a few passing villagers to stop and stare at him. He ignored them. “Thank fucking Christ! I am so over this sword and sorcery bullshit!”

Mark frowned. “Damn, I really liked being a wizard!”

Jace rolled his eyes. “Sure, it was great fun- at first! But you know what they never talk about in all those books, and games, and movies and shit that you obsessed over as a kid? The realities of hygiene in a medieval fantasy setting! Everyone smells like they’re from a fucking petting zoo, and that’s when they’re clean! And don’t get me started on the lack of indoor plumbing! You can make a fucking flying castle, but you can’t conjure up a working toilet so I don’t have to shit in a bucket?!”

“Yeah, I guess, but-“

Jace clapped a hand on his brother’s shoulder. “Nope! I’m glad we’re done. I know you love this stuff, bro, and I sincerely hope that you get to sling spells again in another Cycle, but I am more than ready to move the fuck on!”

Mark sighed and shrugged. “I got to be a kick ass wizard and live out my childhood fantasy for a decade. I’ll miss it, but I got no cause to complain. I wonder what we’ll get to do next?” His face brightened. “Oh! Superheroes would be cool!”

Jace grinned. “Yeah! That’d be badass! I wonder if we’d be able to fly?”

“Well, shit, now I’m excited to see what’s next!”

Jace ruffled his little brother’s hair like he used to do when they were kids. “Thattaboy! Now, we’ve got a day left in this world. Let’s say we sell off all our shit and live like kings for twenty-four hours? We’ll throw biggest going away party these shitkickers have ever seen! Whaddaya say little bro? You ready to party like it’s 1699?”

Mark laughed and nodded. “Lead the way, kemosabe.”

“Yessssssss! PAR-TAY!” Jace threw up his hands and declared, “Tonight will be legendary!”

It wasn’t.

After getting their quest reward and selling off everything that they owned, the two brothers found themselves flush with gold and with a powerful inclination to spend it in an extravagant fashion. As the old saying goes- you can’t take it with you. The first stop in their epic night of partying and debauchery was the Inn, where Jace bought the very folk he’d been complaining about for years endless rounds of drinks. He quickly became everyone in town’s best friend as word spread. Hilda the barmaid, who’d Jace had been flirting with for months, seemed especially interested, much to his delight. Yes, the eldest brother was truly living it up, Animal House style, complete with a toga that he’d fashioned out of a bed sheet. The fact that absolutely no one but the two brothers understood the reference mattered to Jace not in the slightest. He’d suffered through medieval hell for a decade and he was ready to leave it all on the field! 

Unfortunately, for all his ambition, French toddlers had a stronger tolerance for alcohol. Within two hours of making their triumphant entrance, Hilda had literally drunk Jace under the table, where he remained, snoring loudly, until morning. Mark, on the other hand, had a very lovely evening. 

While Jace was doing his best Beluishi impersonation, Mark had spent the evening chatting with a delightful young lady from a neighboring village visiting her older sister. The two managed to find a little corner away from the spectacle that Jace was making and have a nice meal of roasted chicken and local veggies. Once again, Mark was fascinated at how detailed A.I.D.A. was. Any person completely ignorant of A.I. and the simulation would swear that Becca was really a twenty-four year old woman who’d lived in Stonehedge her entire life, but dreamed of one day traveling to Summergrove to train in herbology with the elves there. The two talked until the sun came up, and Mark smiled wistfully as Becca kissed him gently on the lips and promised to see him again that night after she’d gotten some sleep. 

Mark sighed as he watched her disappear up the Inn steps to her room; and then went to dump some cold water on his brother. They only had about an hour left before the new Cycle; and God forbid Jace try to make life-defining decisions that could massively influence the next sixty years while hungover and half-conscious. He’d already be pissy that he missed out on his night of partying with Hilda because he’s a lightweight. Mark would have fun teasing him with that for a while. 

The Innkeep, Barry, had a pitcher of water ready for him. This wasn’t their first rodeo. Mark nodded his thanks as he took the pitcher and moved to the table that Barry pointed out. The response once the water hit him was immediate. Jace’s eye snapped open as he choked and spit out water. “Wuzzafuck?!”

“Wake up, loser. We’re starting a new life today.”

Jace grabbed at his temples and moaned, “Oh, God, my fucking head!”

Mark was unsympathetic. “Barry will have your tonic ready. Get up and get your shit together. We’ve got about an hour before A.I.D.A. hits the reset button.”

Jace waved at the air. “Yeah, yeah, okay. Give me a fucking second, alright?”

Mark shrugged and headed back to the bar. Barry already had a steaming cup waiting. It wasn’t exactly coffee. The locals called it zuhan. It was a type of bean with a slightly bitter-sweet taste when ground and brewed. It was almost like really dark chocolate mixed with coffee, and it definitely had an equivalent to caffeine in it. It only took a few sips to jolt you awake and make it feel like you had live wires running through your veins. Jace loved the stuff and Mark knew that it would be one of the few things that he missed about this Cycle. 

A few minutes later Jace shambled up next to his brother at the bar. Barry immediately placed a tall glass in front of him with a heavy thunk. A foul smelling steam was gently wafting up from the glass. Jace wrinkled his nose at the smell and gagged a bit. 

Mark shrugged. “You’re the one that wanted to ‘par-tay’.”

“Fuck you.” Jace closed his eyes and downed the glass in a single pull. He managed to swallow, but only barely. For a moment he looked like he was going to spew it back out, but after a few seconds of heavy breathing with his eyes closed, a few swallowed gulps as his body tried to reject the stuff, and pounding the bar top so hard that Mark was concerned he might break something, the color started to come back to Jace’s face, and his eyes weren’t bloodshot anymore. Jace gasped, “Baltro’s ballsack, that shit is vile!”

Barry grunted from behind the bar. “Works though. You two want food?”

Mark chuckled at the sick look on his brother’s face at the thought of food and then shook his head. “No thanks, Barry. Maybe bring my brother a mug of zuhan, though.”

The innkeeper smirked. “Sure thing, Mark.”

Once he disappeared into the kitchen, Mark turned to face his brother, who had his head down and buried in his arms on the bartop. He mumbled through his arms, “Okay, what happened?”

“Not much. You spent most of our money on buying everyone in town rounds of drinks, and then Hilda proceeded to outdrink you until you passed out and slid down to where I found you five minutes ago.”

Jace groaned. “Damn. I gotta learn to pace myself better.”

“Drink up. You’ll feel better.”

Jace took his brother’s advice and nursed his drink. After about ten minutes he started to feel human again. “So, you ready to start over again?”

Mark shrugged. “I really liked being a wizard. Magic is….incredible! I honestly don’t know how I’ll feel, after getting so used to this every day.” He held up his right hand, and the little pixie spell flared to life, hovering on his palm. Mark gave the pixie a weak smile before dispelling it and shrugged again. “I’m sure it’ll depend on what type of ‘world’ we’ll be in this time.”


Jace sure wasn’t going to miss the primitive fantasy hell they’d been living in. He gripped his brother’s shoulder and pulled him in for a short side hug. “It’s going to be great, buddy. You’ll see.”

Attention all Colony Members: Cycle reset in five minutes. Please prepare for de-resolution. 

Jace grinned as both brother’s stood from their bar stools. They learned the hard way after the first cycle to not be sitting or lying on anything that wasn’t solid ground. “Here we go!”

Mark threw a final wave to a very confused looking Barry the Bartender as his body began to derez. “Thanks for everything!”

The world around them faded to black. The world became a complete void, like standing in a massive, empty warehouse. Luckily, Mark’s profile had been hardwired into Jace’s pod, so they would always be together; otherwise, Jace mused, the whole process would be a hell of a lot more terrifying. When he spoke, his voice sounded muffled as though he were speaking into a pillow, and not in a wide open nothingness.

“I will never get used to this. It’s so creepy.”

Whenever A.I.D.A. appeared, she always looked like a female, maybe in her mid twenties and average height. She was also completely blue, and glowed like she were made of light. She reminded Jace of Cortana from Halo. Hell, that’s probably what she’d been modeled after. The Cycle’s programmers were clearly uber-nerds.

A.I.D.A. waved her hand and screens appeared before both brother’s eyes. “Before you is a basic breakdown of the next Cycle and the starting choices available to you. As always, make your selections carefully, for once they are locked they cannot be reset. The new Cycle will begin in approximately five minutes. Any choices that remain unselected at that time will be randomized and locked for you. I will remain until relaunch to address any questions or concerns that you may have.”

Jace squinted at the bright screen before him and muttered, “Nice of them to give us a whole five minutes to choose the direction of our lives for what could be the next sixty years.”

Then he saw the description of the next Cycle and let out a woop. 


He excitedly glanced over the very basic summary. Space faring civilization. Aliens. Politics. Scoundrels and gamblers. Space pirates. It sounded like a blend of FireflyStar Wars, and Cowboy Bebop. This would be amazing! He kept reading. It didn’t take long. They never provided them with much information going in. It didn’t look like there’d be any magic or an equivalent to the Force or anything, so Mark would be disappointed.

There was a beep as his selection was locked and was now surrounded in gold. Name: Jason Reynolds

Mark arched an eyebrow. “Reynolds? Really? Why not just call us Solo?”

Jace leveled a finger in his direction. “You don’t have a stone to throw, asshole! I spent the last decade with the last name Dresden because you had to fanboy out when you found out you could be a wizard. I had to fucking talk you down from naming us Potter, for Christ’s sake! It’s my turn to pick and it’s your turn to shut your cake hole!”

Mark held up his hands in supplication. “Okay, fair enough! Could you at least not name the ship anything too obvious? No Serenity or Millennium Falcons, alright?”

Jace’s lips twisted into a smug grin as he locked in another selection. “Oh, I think you’ll like what I chose. Just for you, bro.”

Mark’s panel beeped again. 

Occupation: Bounty Hunter/ Pilot/First Mate of the Lonestar

Mark grinned. “Lonestar!

Jace winked. “May the Schwartz be with you!”

Mark squinted at the other occupation choices and then asked, “Why bounty hunter?”

“I’m tired of being goodie goodies all the time. I didn’t want to be another lawman or in the military. I knew you’d never go for anything too dark or outright villainy, so I thought bounty hunter was a good middle ground.”

Mark grunted. “Thanks for not going full-on space pirate. I appreciate it.”

Jace snorted. “It would have been fun, but I didn’t want to raid and pillage with Sally Sadsack for the next sixty years.”


“Cycle relaunch in two minutes. Please finalize your selections and prepare for reintegration.”

The two brothers finished their remaining selections in silence. Those were more personal. By the time A.I.D.A. had begun the ten second countdown, both brother’s had all of their selections locked in.

“Cycle relaunch in ten…nine…eight…”

Jace slapped his little brother on the shoulder. “This is going to be great! I’m so fucking excited!”

Mark grinned at the positively giddy expression on his brother’s face. It’d been a long time since he’d seen Jace smile like that. Too long.


“See ya, space cowboy.”

Mark rolled his eyes.


Cycle Five Initiated.   

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Filed under Ongoing Serials, Virtually Reality

Release the Counter Monkeys!


Our own Shawn Skvarna is with Jesse Arnold at the Baltimore Comic Con to launch Counter Monkey Comics! Jesse is unveiling the first two issues of his new comic Sock Drawer, while Shawn will be signing prints and copies of our books. The first print is the “Authentic Print” and it’s a tribute to our friend Mark Ruelius. Part of the proceeds from the print will be donated to the Christopher & Dana Reeve Foundation in Mark’s name.


If you cant make it to the con you can purchase a copy of the print here. The second print is a Con exclusive character poster for Failsafe, which is the comic that Shawn and I are working on.


Prints will be available for sale in our online store after the con. If you’re in the Baltimore area and are planning on going to the con, be sure to drop in on Shawn and Jesse!

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Filed under Failsafe, Update

Authentic Print Now Available


This is one of three prints by Shawn Skvarna that will be available this year at the Baltimore Comic Con on September 7th and 8th, but you can purchase a copy now in our Society6 store.

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Filed under Artwork Showcase

Support Our Comic Monkeys!


Shawn has updated the Counter Monkey Comics kickstarter page with a look at one of the many great things you can expect from them at the Baltimore Comic Con launch this year. This is a beautiful print that I’ve had as my desktop background on both my PC and my iPhone for a few weeks now. For those who may not be in the know, Counter Monkey Comics is the comic brand that my partner in crime Shawn Skvarna is launching with his childhood friend, and another talented artist, Jesse Arnold. The comic that Shawn and I are doing, Failsafe, will launch under this brand, as will whatever other crazy things we happen to come up with after that. Please take a few moments and check out their Kickstarter page and the goal bundles. There’s a lot of cool stuff there and the campaign only has 5 days left. One of the bundles they’re offering is the Authentic Bundle. In that bundle you’ll get all 5 of our books in paperback and autographed by both myself and Shawn, who did all the cover artwork. I’ll even go one step further, even though it’s not listed on the page, and I’ll personalize the autograph as well for those who choose that bundle. So please, take a few moments and check it out. Any support you could give would be awesome.

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Filed under Failsafe

All Kindle Editions $0.99!


We’ve decided to keep our sale prices as the permanent prices for the Kindle Editions for all our books, so from now on all Kindle e-books will be $0.99. We’re hoping this helps encourage people to pick them up and spread the word. The paperback prices will remain the same simply because of the cost of production- they’re already about as cheap as I can make them. If you’d like to visit our book page where you can find descriptions and samples of all our novels click here or on the picture of the book covers just above.

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Filed under Rant Alert

Independance Day Sale: All Kindle Editions of Books $0.99!


From Tuesday 7/02/13 until Monday 7/08/13 all of the Kindle editions of our novels will be just $0.99! Now is the time to pick up any that you might have missed!Just click on the covers or links below to purchase!

1. Down With The Thickness: Viewing The World From a Fat Guy’s Perspective

Genre: Non-Fiction Autobiography

Description: Regardless of body type, there are experiences that we all, as human beings, share and sometimes the key to overcoming the more difficult of those experiences is to look at things from a fresh point of view, with humor, or even to realize that there are other people out there that have been there and survived. I’ve dealt with depression, suicide, and being a morbidly obese guy living in a world about two or three sizes smaller than me. The following book is my perspective and opinions on things like life, relationships, and religion. I don’t profess to have all the answers, I just hope that someone somewhere out there might read this and be touched in some way.

Preview: Sample Chapter

Purchase: Click here for Paperback, Click here for Kindle.

2. You Only Die Twice (An Authentic Clay Colt Adventure#1)

Genre: Urban Sci-Fi/Detective

Description: Clay Colt and his partner Evelyn Wood are private investigators that sometimes have to do less-than-legal things to make ends meet. All that changes the day they see Clay’s dead Kharta’an friend tearing apart downtown Buenos Aries on the news. That dead friend was the son of the Executor of the Kharta’an Empire, the greatest warriors in the galaxy, and to the Kharta’an desecration of the dead is considered an act of war. Someone is using technology to reanimate the dead and Clay, as the the Kharta’an’s chosen agent, has just 48 hours to uncover the truth and find those responsible in order to prevent an intergalactic war where Earth will be ground zero.

Preview: Sample Chapter

Purchase: Click here for Paperback; Click here for Kindle


3. The Chosen: Rebirthing Part 1 (The Chronicles of Enoch #1)

Genre: Contemporary Fantasy

Description: There has been a war raging between Heaven and Hell for the fate of all creation, and the forces of Heaven are losing ground. The Enemy has discovered something that may tip the balance of the war in their favor, and now it’s up to Jude, the absentee leader of the warrior-priesthood known as the Chosen, and his new trainee Paul, to rally the disjointed forces of Heaven on Earth and find the source of this new threat. If they fail, it will mean that the forces of Hell will be free to run rampant across the Earth, ultimately leading to Armageddon and the end of all things. In the war between Heaven and Hell heroes are not made… they’re Chosen.

Preview: Sample Chapters

Purchase: Click here for a Kindle; Click here for Paperback


4. The Chosen: Rebirthing Part 2 (The Chronicles of Enoch #2)

Genre: Contemporary Fantasy

There is a traitor in the ranks, and unless Jude, leader of the Chosen, can find and stop them, they could tear the already-fractured forces of Heaven apart from the inside. Meanwhile, Paul has accepted Jude’s training but he quickly comes to question whether he’ll survive it. His concern is only magnified by Mary’s prophetic dreams, which are growing more intense and seem to focus on Paul, but could they hold the key to stopping the cultists? Armageddon is at hand, and if Jude and Paul don’t learn to work together and stop the cultist rituals from taking place it could mean the end for us all. In the war between Heaven and Hell heroes are not made…they’re Chosen.

Purchase: Click here for Kindle; Click here for Paperback

justsuperfont4. Just Super

Genre: Contemporary Fantasy

Description: There is something very different and very special about Keith Green- he has “super powers.” Keith Green also has only six months to live because those powers are slowly killing him. This is the story that reporter Sam Daylin is hired to chronicle, as Keith spends the last six months of his life trying to use his powers to help people and change the world as the its first “superhero”. However, the more that  his illness begins to affect him, the more erratic Keith begins to act. The world’s first superhero could become the world’s greatest threat, and Sam Daylin may be the only person who is in a position to stop him.

Preview: Sample: Chapter 1, Sample: Chapter 5

Purchase: Click here for Kindle;  Click here for a paperback.

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Filed under Novels

Rant Alert: Man of Steel- A Spoiler Free Review


Full disclosure: I wasn’t always a fan of Superman. As a kid, of course, I loved him. I’d watch the Reeve/Donner movies, and later the Bruce Timm animated series, and run around the house with a cape (usually a towel or blanket) around my neck. But as I got older and started getting into comics I just didn’t care for Superman as a character. I still loved the idea of him, but in execution I felt that he was bland. He was too powerful, too goodie-goodie, too perfect. He was the Gandhi, and in many cases, the Jesus, of DC comics, and when good stories revolve around conflict and you have a character who is perfection personified, that’s often a big problem. It’s one of the reasons why DC still has a hard time getting the character right in his own series.

That all changed while I was working on my first novel with my best friend, Mark Ruelius. He was a HUGE Superman fan, and when he heard my opinion on the character is was as though I had personally offended him. He made me promise to read three comic book trades: Kingdom Come by Mark Waid & Alex Ross (which I already owned and loved), Superman Birthright by Mark Waid and Leinil Francis Yu, and Superman: Secret Identity by Kurt Busiek and Stuart Immonen. He was right. After that, I was a fan. This made Superman Returns all the more painful for all of us, because we were hoping to get a Superman movie as good as what Batman was getting with Nolan or the Marvel movies were getting on the other side of the fence. Instead we got… well, I’m not going to go into that. This isn’t a review of that movie. So let’s just get into Man of Steel.

For me, this was a great foundation to build a untied DC cinematic universe on. This was DC’s Iron Man, in that way. Just about every aspect of the movie is inspired by the various Superman comics, Birthright being a heavy influence in particular. But there are a few things you need to know going in to help manage expectations (and I promise, no spoilers):

  1. This isn’t a Chris Reeve/Richard Donner Superman. The tone is different. There’s no comic relief character. There’s no goofy gags. This has been the biggest criticism most “negative reviews” have and I think it’s because those people are going in expecting a Donner or Marvel tone. It does have some humor and moments that’ll make you smile. MoS isn’t “dark and gritty” either, any more so than any of the best Superman comics are. Just about everything, event-wise, in MoS has precedent in the comics and animated movies.
  2. Again, this isn’t a Marvel movie. Marvel’s movies have a certain tone, just as their comics do. They’ve always been different than DC, and this movie is no exception. If you go in expecting a superhero movie with the same tone (lighthearted is probably too strong a word) then you’ll be disappointed. MoS takes itself, and the character, seriously. Again, it’s not The Dark Knight serious. This isn’t emo Superman, but they do approach the material and character in a serious, mature way- as they should. The movie is still a ton of fun, and I immediately wanted to watch it again, just as I did with Avengers or Iron Man. It’s just a different kind of fun/tone.
  3. This goes with the tone, but yes, it feels more like a sci-fi movie than a “superhero” movie. I think that’s a good thing in this case, given the story. That said, the movie ends perfectly and we have the Superman/Clark Kent we’re wanting to see. This has the potential to set up an amazing sequel the way that Batman Begins set up The Dark Knight.

This is very much Clark’s story, and the focus is on him discovering who he is and what his place in the world is. Henry Cavill nails the part and is by far the best embodiment of the character since Chris Reeve. Amy Adams also does an amazing job as Lois Lane. I have to say I was really impressed with how they handled Lois. She was smart, strong, and important to the plot without just being the damsel in distress. They also did away with a typical trope that has long since been played out and done to death (thank God for that), which makes me even more excited to see how they evolve the relationship between Lois and Clark. Some people may take issue with how they portray Jonathan Kent, but I think it was a great way to approach the character, and it made one scene in particular have that much more of an impact on Clark and how he makes the decisions he does.

I want to address Mark Waid’s review of the movie (caution, massive movie spoilers in the link ). As you can tell from my opening above, Mark Waid has written, in my opinion, some of the best Superman stories, and Birthright in particular was an influence on MoS. Waid wasn’t very happy with the movie for two reasons, one of which is a spoiler so I won’t go into it, other than to say that the way it was handled was VERY well done (and even Waid admitted as much) and that, yes, it’s not anything that hasn’t already done before in the comics and other movies, albeit not very often.

The other, and biggest, complaint that Waid had was he said that this version of Superman felt cold and that he didn’t care enough about protecting humans, given all the “destruction porn”. I will say there were times when I felt similar while watching, and it is one aspect that they could have handled better. Superman does go out of his way to help save people in the movie, but I would agree it needed to be emphasized more, and is probably the biggest weakness the movie has, especially given all the destruction and collateral damage that takes place. Again, it’s nothing that hasn’t been shown in the comics and animated tales countless times. This very much feels like a comic book come to life (or a live action version of a Bruce Timm animated feature); but because it is so realistic and lifelike it makes thinking about the innocent people being hurt that much more, where you don’t as much in the comics or animated features (or where it’s easier for them to just magically have people survive or evacuate in time, etc.) It’s something that needs to be improved upon in sequels, but it was far from a deal-breaker for me.

For me, Man of Steel is the best DC movie to date, and this is coming from a die-hard Batman fan. I’m not saying that Man of Steel is a technically superior movie than The Dark Knight, but for me it’s certainly more fun to watch. This is the Superman movie we’ve been waiting for, and it can only get better from here. Keep an open mind and don’t let the negative reviews keep you from checking it out. Go and see the movie for yourself and judge it by it’s own merits. I think you’ll be glad that you did, as it is, by-far, the best movie so far this summer.
I give it a 9/10.

J.R. Broadwater is the author of the non-fiction book Down with the Thickness: Viewing the World From a Fat Guy’s Perspective, the sci-fi detective novel You Only Die Twice, the fantasy novel The Chosen: Rebirthing Part 1-, and the superhero tale Just Super, all available now in digital and paperback formats. Sample chapters and more information about these books can be found here.  Check back each Saturday for a new chapter in the ongoing serial Moving On!


Filed under Rant Alert

Rant Alert: Marvel Heroes Overview


Marvel Heroes is a game I’ve been anticipating for quite a while now, both because it’s a Marvel game and because it is completely free to play. Yep, that’s right. Marvel Heroes is 100% free to download and play from beginning to end. It is also possible to unlock every hero and a vast majority of the costumes and other items for free in-game through loot drops. We’ll talk about that in more detail in a moment. MH is a game by David Brevik, the mind behind Diablo and Diablo II…maybe you’ve heard of them. Marvel Heroes is basically what you get when Diablo II and Marvel Ultimate Alliance have a love child and the results are…mostly great.


MH plays just like Diablo and Torchlight (they’ve often said that Marvel Heroes is the spiritual successor to Diablo II). Point and click, kill and loot. If you don’t like those types of games or that type of gameplay, you probably won’t like this one either. As of right now keyboard and mouse/click and loot is the only gameplay/control type the devs plan on having available.


The heroes are all well represented, and having played the game for a few months before launch as a beta tester, I can tell you that a lot of time and effort went into trying to make each hero work and play the way you would expect them to.  The powers are all pretty much like the powers that were in the Ultimate Alliance games. Each hero will have three trees with a specific focus, and each time your character levels up you’re given two points to spend in skills however you like. Many skills will have a synergy, which means putting points into one will have a direct impact on another. This generally works well, as it allows you to spend points in basic skills early without feeling like those points were “wasted” later.


There are currently 20 heroes available with an additional 5 (Human Torch, Luke Cage, Emma Frost, Squirrel Girl, & Nova) set to be available “soon”. Everyone has a choice of 5 characters to start with- Daredevil, Hawkeye, Scarlet Witch, Storm, and Thing. Not exactly A-Tier characters, but I can tell you from experience that they are all fun to play and can be just as powerful ( and in some cases more so) as the better known or popular characters. After the prologue/tutorial mission everyone will get another of the starting heroes as a random drop. You’ll get a third after defeating Dr. Doom in the Chapter 8 finale, for a total of 3 free characters. All of the other characters (and most of the stuff you can buy in the store, including potions and costumes) are available through loot drops. They are, however, very rare, though there are several things you can do to increase your chances (taken from what has been said on the forums and confirmed by devs):

  1. Equip gear that gives you a +% Special Item chance
  2. The first boss you defeat each day (20 hour timer) has a natural higher drop % to drop a hero or costume. There’s always a chance for a hero drop on mobs, chests, and other bosses, but the chances are higher for that first boss of the day.
  3. Characters that have a lot of rested time (ones you haven’t used in a while) also have a higher chance of getting a rare/hero drop.
  4. % of Hero and Costume drops go up “significantly” after you’ve played through all 8 chapters of the story, during endgame content.

For me, a lot of the fun is the chance that you may get a “special” drop, but if there are some characters you just can’t wait to play you can always purchase them in the store for “G”s. G’s are Gazillion’s special currency, and the exchange rate is basically $1=100 Gs. If you buy in the higher packages of G’s you’re given a little extra as a bonus. The heroes are priced along tiers- 600 Gs ($6), 900 Gs ($9), 1200 G ($12), and 2000 G ($20). Only three characters currently cost 2000Gs- Spider-Man, Deadpool, & Iron Man. The costumes can be a bit pricy as well, as they range from 900Gs-2000Gs. Or you can gamble with 100Gs and buy a ticket, which could be a costume, potion, pet, a 100% XP or Rare boost, or a “rare special”.


Now, Gazillion has been taking a lot of flack on the forums and game sites for their admittedly expensive pricing. However, I feel that there are a few things that need to be kept in mind before freaking out about it:

  1. The game is completely free to play. You aren’t gimped or restricted from game play content by not paying money.
  2. All of the heroes and 99% of everything else is available, for free, as drops in the game.
  3. The game is completely free. I know I already said that once, but apparently it needs to be emphasized for the self-entitled, hard headed people. These games take tons of money to produce and keep running. They have staff they have to pay. They have to make their money somehow, people. No one is forcing you to spend a dime. If you REALLY want to play as Spidey but you think $20 is too expensive to unlock him (and I would agree) play the game with someone else and try all the things above to increase your chances of getting him as a drop, or wait for an inevitable sale (a month ago they were selling “founders packs” that included specific characters and all their costumes, or groups of characters with an additional costume, for $20-$50 depending on the package you chose), or for the prices to drop- which they will as they add more content.

All in all, Marvel Heroes is a lot of fun to play and can become a huge time-sync. It’s not perfect, and they’re still working out some kinks and refining things, just like most MMOs do just after launch, but for the bargain price of free, you’re not out anything giving it a try.

J.R. Broadwater is the author of the non-fiction book Down with the Thickness: Viewing the World From a Fat Guy’s Perspective, the sci-fi detective novel You Only Die Twice, the fantasy novel The Chosen: Rebirthing Part 1-, and the superhero tale Just Super, all available now in digital and paperback formats. Sample chapters and more information about these books can be found here.  Check back each Saturday for a new chapter in the ongoing serial Moving On!

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