Category Archives: Clay Colt

Announcement: The “Holy Crap, We Need Exposure” Sale! All Digital Books $0.99!

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Yes that’s right! We need to get our name out there! Starting Monday (4/15/13) through Sunday (4/21/13) all digital copies of our books will be $0.99! So for all you procrastinators out there (and judging by our books sales, that means most of you) now is the perfect time to try out a book or three…or four. Please help spread the word! Tell your friends! Tell your enemies! Tell that weird guy giving you the stink-eye on the metro! This sale will last for this week only!

Don’t forget, those who purchase Just Super have a chance to participate in our Just Super Sweepstakes! Entries are due by May 3rd!

You can read descriptions, preview chapters, and find links for all of our books here.

Don’t own a Kindle? No problem! The Kindle App is a free download for all smartphones, tablets, and computers (PC and Apple).

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Filed under Clay Colt, Down With The Thickness, Just Super, Novels, The Chosen: Rebirthing

UPDATE: Thickness and You Only Die Twice Paperbacks Are Available


Just a quick update. Both Down with the Thickness and You Only Die Twice paperbacks are once again available and actually have page numbers!

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Filed under Clay Colt, Down With The Thickness, Novels

You Only Die Twice Paperback Temporarily Not Available


Just a little heads up for anyone who may try to purchase a paperback of You Only Die Twice today. It will be temporarily unavailable until tomorrow due to “maintenance.” Down with the Thickness and You Only Die Twice were my first two books with Createspace and I made a lot of mistakes with formatting because of it- namely I couldn’t get page numbers to work without messing up the whole file. Well, live and learn, now I know what to do so I’m going back and correcting that problem. I did Thickness yesterday and Clay Colt is today. The digital version is still available. But if you’re wanting a paperback, please check back tomorrow.

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Filed under Clay Colt, Novels


An interview I did with author Richard Stephenson has just been put up on his official site. Check it out!


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Filed under Clay Colt, Down With The Thickness, Novels, Rant Alert

Ask David Profiles on Our Books

Hey everyone. Ask David (the site with the creepy animated banner) just a did a profile on both You Only Die Twice and Down with the Thickness. Please check them out. If you’ve finished either book and haven’t already, that would be a good time to post a review of your own. We’re working as an indie group, so word of mouth is everything with getting this stuff out there. Right now this is my full time job, and what I bring home is basically what I make in profit on sales. Shawn and Cathy are doing me a huge favor right now by donating their services because, quite frankly, I’m not making enough to pay them anything yet. We’d really like to see this become a “thing” where we can get quality content out to you at affordable prices on a fairly regular basis. Not just novels and short stories, but comics and other fun projects as well. We all really appreciate your support and your help in getting the word out.

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Filed under Clay Colt, Down With The Thickness, Novels

You Only Die Twice Paperbacks Temporarily Unavailable Because I’m an Idiot

Hey everyone. If you were wanting to purchase a paperback version of You Only Die Twice they’ll be available again tomorrow (if not sooner). I was an idiot and decided to tinker with it to “make it better” by adding page numbers and ended up screwing it up so I had to republish the file, which means it had to be re-reviewed. Eventually I’ll figure out how to get page numbers in there without it messing the whole thing up. Dah-well. I apologize. Things’ll be back to honky-dory tomorrow morning (again, if not sooner).

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Filed under Clay Colt, Novels

You Only Die Twice Paperback Now Available

The paperback version of You Only Die Twice is now available. Click here to purchase from our e-store.

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Filed under Clay Colt, Novels

Kindle Lending Library

If you own a Kindle (any generation) and are a member of Amazon Prime you can now “borrow” either Down With the Thickness: Viewing the World From a Fat Guy’s Perspective or You Only Die Twice  for free through the Kindle Lending Library program. You can read all about the program here. If you have a Kindle and Prime and haven’t already purchased a copy of either book I highly suggest you try this out.

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Filed under Clay Colt, Down With The Thickness, Novels

Estimated Page Count…

Amazon’s estimated page count is killing me for the digital versions of the books. It’s showing 138 pages for You Only Die Twice. I promise you, it is a full-length novel. The paperback length is 238 pages. It’s on the shorter end, I know, but the idea was to do a quick, fun read, and I didn’t want to pad it out with crap just to get the page count up. When I write I try not to be concerned with page or word count, but just telling the best version of the story. As another example The Chosen Chronicles: Rebirthing is going to clock in over 600 pages in print, which is why I’m probably going to have to break it up into two parts. That’s just the length it ended up being to tell that first story.

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Filed under Clay Colt, Novels, The Chosen: Rebirthing

Thank You

Thank you to everyone who picked up a digital copy of You Only Die Twice this week. We appreciate your support. If you haven’t yet, please take a few moments to pick up a copy. It’s only $2.99, and it’s more filling than a Happy Meal (and it won’t take as long to digest.) Don’t let the “Kindle” label fool you. You don’t have to own a Kindle to read the book. There’s a Kindle app for every computer, phone, or electronic device known to man at this point. For those of you who prefer to rock it old school we have paperback versions on the way. We’re hoping to have those available by the end of the week. I’m going to do my best to make the price as affordable as possible. If you would like to “try before you buy” you can check out the first chapter for free here or on our Goodreads page. If you’ve already read it, please remember to take a few moments to give it a short review on both Amazon and Goodreads (if you have an account). We’re trying to do this indie-style, so that means word of mouth is essential. Thank you very much for your continued support.

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Filed under Clay Colt, Novels