Tag Archives: comic book

Release the Counter Monkeys!


Our own Shawn Skvarna is with Jesse Arnold at the Baltimore Comic Con to launch Counter Monkey Comics! Jesse is unveiling the first two issues of his new comic Sock Drawer, while Shawn will be signing prints and copies of our books. The first print is the “Authentic Print” and it’s a tribute to our friend Mark Ruelius. Part of the proceeds from the print will be donated to the Christopher & Dana Reeve Foundation in Mark’s name.


If you cant make it to the con you can purchase a copy of the print here. The second print is a Con exclusive character poster for Failsafe, which is the comic that Shawn and I are working on.


Prints will be available for sale in our online store after the con. If you’re in the Baltimore area and are planning on going to the con, be sure to drop in on Shawn and Jesse!

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Filed under Failsafe, Update

Authentic Print Now Available


This is one of three prints by Shawn Skvarna that will be available this year at the Baltimore Comic Con on September 7th and 8th, but you can purchase a copy now in our Society6 store.

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Filed under Artwork Showcase

Failsafe Character Sketches

Failsafe banner

Here’s the first batch of character sketches for our new comic Failsafe, just to whet your appetite a bit. This is the main cast how they’ll look at the beginning of the story (as of right now). These are basically concept sketches, so things could change between now and the first issue, but odds are good this is pretty much how the finished product will look. Shawn talks a bit about the comic in the kickstarter video he and Jessie did. Be sure to check it out.

Mark and Evyn (Evy, for short) are twins. They’re also the children of former superheroes (though they don’t know that at first).

Mark is a former marine and is now a nurse. He cares a lot about people and wants to help where he can, sometimes to the detriment of himself. Personality-wise he’s like a combination of Clark Kent and Peter Parker.

Evyn is strong, intelligent, and in many ways becomes the unofficial leader of the group. She’s also a very talented artist but struggles with self confidence.


Copyright © J.R. Broadwater & Shawn Skvarna 2012-2013

All rights reserved

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Filed under Failsafe